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Archbishop Gregory’s Open Letters Concerning Cyprian of Fili

A letter to Metropolitan Vitaly:

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Another letter of warning to Metropolitan Vitaly (June 7, 1994):

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The 1st Open Letter of Archbishop Gregory Regarding the Heresy of Cyprian of Fili:

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A copy of this letter was sent to every bishop, priest, and deacon of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad (ROCOR) in the United States. Archbishop (then Father) Gregory’s warnings went unheeded, and besides the majority who simply ignored this letter, others became angry. One of these was the irate Bishop Hilarion (Kapral) of Manhattan, who later betrayed the Church again in 2007 by uniting the ROCOR with the apostate Moscow Patriarchate. He wrote Father Gregory the following:

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In response to this letter, Archbishop Gregory wrote to Metropolitan Vitaly:

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The 2nd Open Letter of Archbishop Gregory Regarding the Heresy of Cyprian of Fili:

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This letter also was sent to every bishop, priest, and deacon of the ROCOR, but they still would not repent. Many months later, Father Gregory sent the following letter to Metropolitan Vitaly, continuing to try to convince him of the heretical teachings of “Metropolitan” Cyprian:

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A letter to Abbot Efthymios of Esphigmenou, who at that time was still preserving the Orthodox Faith:

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After Vitaly’s concelebration with Cyprian, Father Gregory ceased to commemorate the bishops of ROCOR in the divine services, effectively breaking communion with them, though he continued to correspond with them. More than a year after the fateful union with Cyprian (1994), Archbishop Gregory continues to exhort Metropolitan Vitaly:

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Another letter to Metropolitan Vitaly:

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Another letter to Metropolitan Vitaly:

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Another letter to Metropolitan Vitaly:

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A letter in which Archbishop (Father) Gregory again exposes the heretical confession of faith of “Metropolitan” Cyprian (sent also to Archbishop Antony of Los Angeles):

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Archbishop Gregory’s letter of farewell to Archbishop Alypy as he officially leaves the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad:

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From this is seen how patiently Archbishop Gregory dealt with the apostate bishops of ROCOR, exhorting and encouraging them repeatedly to repent of this catastrophic betrayal. He did not take lightly the condemnation of the ROCOR, the last remnant of the 1000-year-old institution of the Russian Orthodox Church. But alas, they refused to turn back from their apostasy.

Alas, no written release was sent to Hieromonk Gregory, only a verbal consent over the phone.

As the history of the ROCOR shows, Hieromonk Gregory was correct and the entire Synod of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad were wrong, for on Nov. 8, 2001 the ROCE synod (headed by Met. Vitaly) renounced its former seven years of official inter-communion with the Ecumenist Cyprian of Fili (‘the Synod of Resisters of Greece’).

And in Dec. 2007, the Cypranite Synod broke communion with the Russian Church Abroad for joining the Moscow Patriarchate.

Archbishop Gregory
Dormition Skete
P.O. Box 3177
Buena Vista, CO 81211-3177
Contact: Archbishop Gregory
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