DR Congo
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Pastoral Trip to the Democratic Republic of the Congo
and to the Republic of Uganda
June - July 2007


The view from our hotel room in Kampala. Uganda is in much, much better shape than the Congo.
he view from our hotel room in Kampala. Uganda is in much, much better shape than the Congo.
Father Cyprian (L) and Father Joachim (R) renounce Cyprianism and ecumenism three times.
Archbishop Gregory chrismates Father Joachim into the Church.
Archbishop Gregory chrismates Father Cyprian into the Church.
Archbishop Gregory reads the Prayer of Forgiveness over Fathers Cyprian and Joachim.
The church and faithful who welcomed us to Uganda.
Archbishop Gregory addresses the faithful who welcomed us to Uganda.
Archbishop Gregory addresses the faithful who welcomed us to Uganda.
The Church of Saints Joachim and Anna in Kampala, Uganda.
The examination room at the clinic at our mission in Kampala. Father Joachim is a physician. They operate an HIV/AIDS Counseling and Testing clinic, and a school for nursing students - most of whom are orphans from their orphanage, also on this premises.
The examination room at the clinic at our mission in Kampala. Father Joachim is a physician. They operate an HIV/AIDS Counseling and Testing clinic, and a school for nursing students - most of whom are orphans from their orphanage, also on this premises.
Their medical supply cabinate.
On the roof above the orphanage and medical building. They would like to build another story up here for hospital beds, God willing.
On the roof above the orphanage and medical building. They would like to build another story up here for hospital beds, God willing.
The Church of Saints Joachim and Anna, as well as the orphanage and health clinic.
The orphanage and health clinic.
The room where the male orphans reside. They currently have seven living in this room.
The kitchen, with women preparing food outside. Banannas are a staple food for the people of Uganda. They are pealing these bannanas, and will then cook them.
The Church of Saints Joachim and Anna.
The orphanage and health clinic.
The next day, Archbishop Gregory is greeted with flower petals being thrown by some of the acolites, who are also orphans.
Archbishop Gregory is greeted with flower petals being thrown by some of the acolites, who are also orphans.
Archbishop Gregory, Father Joachim and Father Cyprian perform their Opening Prayers before the Divine Liturgy.
Archbishop Gregory tonsured five young men to be readers for the Church of Saints Joachim and Anna. Here, Reader Paul reads an Epistle. He is also their lead chanter.
The Small Entrance of the Divine Liturgy.
The Small Entrance of the Divine Liturgy.
Archbishop Gregory blesses the faithful following the Small Entrance of the Divine Liturgy.
At the High Place.
The Great Entrance of the Divine Liturgy.
The Great Entrance of the Divine Liturgy.
Father Joachim and Father Cyprian fan the gifts while the faithful recite the Nicene Creed.
Archbishop Gregory, Father Joachim and Father Cyprian after the Divine Liturgy.
The faithful come up to kiss the cross following the Divine Liturgy.
Father Joachim’s Presbytera Margret leading the ceremony welcoming us to Uganda, and for the graduation of this year’s class of nursing students which was postponed until Vladika’s visit.
Their chorus, singing songs welcoming us to Uganda.
Their chorus, singing songs welcoming us to Uganda.
Archbishop Gregory presents the graduates with their diplomas.
Another view of the ceremony.
Archbishop Gregory, Fathers Joachim and Cyprian, and Presbytera Margret with the graduating class of the nursing school.
The ladies made us some very nice mats welcoming us to Uganda. Here, one is presented to Vladika.
The ladies made us some very nice mats welcoming us to Uganda. Here, one is presented to Father Peter.
Archbishop Gregory addresses the graduating class of nursing students.
A typical street scene in Kampala.
A typical street scene in Kampala.
Father Joachim censing.
Fathers Joachim and Cyprian serving the Matins together.
Archbishop Gregory tonsures Patrick a reader for the Church of Saints Joachim and Anna.
Archbishop Gregory tonsures Patrick a reader for the Church of Saints Joachim and Anna.
The Great Entrance of the Divine Liturgy.
Left to Right: Father Cyprian, Archbishop Gregory and Father Joachim.
On the return trip to the airport.
We stopped by Lake Victoria on the return trip to the airport. It is one of the largest lakes in the world, and the source of the Nile River.
Fishing boats on Lake Victoria.
Fathers Joachim, Peter and Cyprian at Lake Victoria.
From the plane as we taxied to the runway at Entebbe, Uganda for our return trip home.
From the plane as we taxied to the runway at Entebbe, Uganda for our return trip home. Lake Victoria is in the background.
From the plane as we took off from Entebbe, Uganda for our return trip home. This is a view of Lake Victoria.
From the plane as we took off from Entebbe, Uganda for our return trip home. Below is Lake Victoria.
From the plane as we took off from Entebbe, Uganda for our return trip home. Below is Lake Victoria.